Danielle's Wedding


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Well, here we are about to get Danielle married off! I know, we can't really believe it either. Since everything in Texas is bigger, why should Danielle's wedding be any different. Besides, we only have one daughter to escort down the aisle so let's make it a great one.

Of all the places to get married, I can't thisk of a better place in Austin to have a wedding than the historic Driskill Hotel.

Built in 1886 and located in the heart of downtown Austin, TX, the Driskill is the end-all of wedding locations. For you out-of-town folks, there are rooms at the Driskill that you can choose to stay in

or there are also a number of hotel that we have listed here that you can also choose from. If you do so choose to stay at the Driskill, you can get a discounted rate if you mention that you are with the Leblanc wedding.


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This site was last updated 02/10/07